The true Jericho Rose

The true Jericho rose

The believers of the real Jericho rose in Christianity, who they are, why they believe in the plant, what they do with the plant, the virtues of the plant and how they take care of it, including passing the plant from generation to generation

The Jericho rose, also known as the resurrection plant, is a fascinating plant that has captured the imagination of many people throughout history. In particular, there is a group of Christians who believe that the Jericho rose has a special meaning in their faith.


Believers of the true Jericho rose see the plant as a symbol of hope and resilience. They believe that the plant is a physical manifestation of the resurrection of Jesus Messiah and that it has the power to bring spiritual and physical healing.

The origins of the belief in the real rose of Jericho can be traced back to ancient times, when the plant was thought to have magical properties. The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed that the plant had the power to bring about rebirth and renewal. The plant was also used by the ancient Greeks as a symbol of love and fertility.

In Christianity, the Jericho rose is associated with the resurrection of Jesus Messiah. According to the Bible, when Jesus was crucified, he was buried in a tomb. However, on the third day of his death, he rose from the dead and appeared to his followers. The Jericho rose is seen by believers as a physical symbol of this miraculous event.

True Rose of Jericho believers use the plant in a variety of ways. Some use it in their daily prayers and meditations, while others keep the plant in their homes as a symbol of their faith. Still, others use the plant in healing rituals, believing it has the power to heal physical and spiritual ailments.

The virtues of Rose Jericho are many. The plant is incredibly hardy and can survive harsh conditions. It can survive for years without water, and when given water, it quickly comes back to life. The plant is also believed to have healing properties, and is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.

The Jericho rose is also a symbol of hope and resilience. It reminds believers that even in the most difficult circumstances, there is always the possibility of renewal and rebirth. It is a physical reminder that even in the face of death, there is always the possibility of new life.

Caring for the Jericho rose is a delicate process. The plant originates from the Judean Desert in the Land of Israel, and it requires very little water to survive. Overwatering can be fatal for the plant, as it can cause the roots to rot. The plant must be kept in a warm and dry place, and watered sparingly. The plant that is sold in the world is a dry plant, so there is no need to water it, but if you want it to open its branches again, you have to put it in water, after it has opened its branches, you dry it back and so you can repeat the process countless times.

Passing the Jericho rose from generation to generation is an important tradition for true Jericho rose believers. The plant is seen as a symbol of continuity and tradition, and it is believed that passing the plant down through the generations will bring luck and prosperity to the family.